Transfer of players of the day universe Fafnir [en]
Player Old New Points Position
Intoxicating Death[Simpsons] 9 606 8554
Trump[DnD] 3 491 32031
Emotional Damage[Simpsons] 3 428 19132
pennywise[DnD] 2 801 22752
Zeus[AMT]1 637 994128
Viperr[NLD]829 993226
Gliesse[E Z] 674 437258
Bandit Galaxar[E Z]658 699263
IdreonaMati[EURO] 538 762296
Ikaros[E Z]329 629383
General Brasch[DTF] 202 449433
Damie[AoV]145 699470
Tector Prime[BALKANIA] 144 281472
W00ster[E Z] 99 606516
Fotoprix1[po eso] 98 699519
Commodore Pan[E Z]56 846610
Technocrat Perseus[ltd]40 644661
Deblazio[E Z]36 526682
Hrywny[E Z]29 113712
Carpe Diem[VAE]26 969727
Onos[GSW]12 826874
Admiral Voyager[WATCH] 11 667896
nkanamik[BMM]7 338986
Luxifer[EVP] 7 327987
Captain Teemo[E Z]6 1521 022
Sogeking[EVP] 3 2741 143
Commodore Hati[XU100]3 1631 150
Chief Serpentis[DnD]2 9251 163
SyLugi[AUB] 2 5171 195
Suricate[PXS]2 3161 216
Mogul Space[GEP]2 1551 238
ZaPo[SOLO]1 6141 297
ANSI[CCCP]1 3511 320
Nokan[NOT] 1 2781 326
Czar Epsilon[Ottoman]1 2611 331
Sir Kraut[skc]8131 431
Engineer Cupid[4168]7841 437
Your Majesty[VAE]7061 465
President Tau[THD]6931 468
Emperor G[TGU]5791 505
Chancellor boobi[IOOI]4871 538
Lucio[cpl]4311 563
kestys[qsd]3311 599
Frederico Carapeto[LUS]2881 619
The Emperor[Empire]2401 646
Akibha[TRForce]2101 677
CeleOwO[CTE]2091 679
Chief Voids[Alpha]1861 696
CerebralOwl1313[WOAL]1861 698
Marrek[INV]1521 733
Obed Marsh[RYF]1501 737
Governor Tarvos[Wut]1471 741
Joca[BYON]1291 762
Caz Render[WATCH]581 903
OJBlamer[EoM]511 932
Constable Mariner[EUM] 03 653